Modifying the lifecycle stage

  1. Select Settings > Guest Rooms Control > Manage Contract Lifecycle. The Volume Contract Lifecycle Models page is displayed.
  2. Click the name of the volume contract lifecycle. The Volume Contract Lifecycle Details page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit to modify the required details of the lifecycle stage. The Edit Lifecycle Stage page is displayed.
  4. Specify or review this information:
    Stage Name
    The name of the lifecycle stage.
    A short description of the lifecycle stage.
    Send Email
    The name of the lifecycle stage.
    Stage Name
    If this check box is selected an email is sent to the primary contact of the contract.
    Task Defaults
    The name of the volume contract lifecycle task for which the details are modified.
    Document Types
    The type of document that you require such as Proposal, Agreement and Cancelled.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: You can modify the lifecycle stage after creating a new volume contract lifecycle model.