Processing Inquiry
- Select Events. The Events calendar page is displayed.
- Double click the required event from the event calendar. The Event details page is displayed.
- Select Process Inquiry in the Event Lifecycle section. The Process Event Lifecycle Actions: Inquiry page is displayed.
- Modify the details in Confirm Tasks section. This is not mandatory.
- Select an email template in the Send Email section.
Select a document to generate and attach in the Send
Email section. Possible values:
- Document Type
- The type of document that you require to
send to the recipient such as Proposal, Agreement and
Cancelled.Note: You can use filter to narrow down document list
- File Format
- The format in which the document is to be
generated such as a Word document or a PDF document. Note: You can use this to change the file format.
- Select to filter by Functions or override document defaults. This is not mandatory.
- Click Process Inquiry.
- Click Send Email.