Managing a grid view

  1. Select Events. The Events calendar page is displayed.
  2. Double click an event name. The Event details page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit Functions in the Functions section. The Edit Functions page is displayed.
  4. Click the settings icon. The Manage Grid View page is displayed.
  5. Specify a name for the view in the View Name field.
  6. Select the required column name in the Available Columns and drag to the Selected Columns in the Select Columns section.
    Note: You can add or modify filters as required in the Add/Edit Filters section.
  7. Click Save.
    • You can click the list and select the appropriate option to view the grid.
    • You can select a view in the View field to view, modify, or copy the view. You can also add a new grid view, using the New option.
    • To modify, copy, or delete the grid view, click the settings icon after selecting the appropriate option from the list. You can also add a new grid view, using the New option.
    • If you click the Default view and click the settings icon, a new view can be added.