Location occupancy
The Location Occupancy page displays the number of days for which each location is booked with the occupancy percentage of the location in the Location Occupancy section.
This page also displays the number of locations booked and the occupancy percentage of the location for a specific date in the Daily Occupancy section.
Note: The data displayed on this page is based on the values specified in
the Site, Start
Date, and End Date fields.
You can access this page by clicking the ellipses icon on the Events calendar page and selecting the
option that is displayed.You can view the Events calendar page, using the
option.You can also click the ellipses icon on this page to:
- View a list of functions, using the option.
- View a list of events, using the option.
- View a list of master events, using the option.
- View the inventory used, using the option.
- View the location capacity usage utilized for functions, using the option.
- Generate one or more documents for one or more events, using the option.