Creating an account

  1. Select Accounts > New. The Account page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Account Details Section:
    The name of the Account.
    The default user who logs on the application.
    Note: The default user can change the ownership to another user.
    Parent Account
    The hierarchical account to which the new account is a part.
    The web page associated with the account.
    Account Type
    The type of guest account.
    The phone number of the account.
    Is Booking Agency
    Select this check box to ensure that this account is considered as a booking agency in HMS.
    Note: This check box cannot be modified after saving the details of the account.
    If this check box is selected the account is set to active.
  3. Specify the address details in the Address Details section.
  4. Specify the tax related information in the Billing Details section.
  5. Select one or more tenants to synchronize with the account in the Account Profile Synchronization section.
  6. Click Save.