Adding a task

  1. Select Tasks > New. The Edit Task page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Task Details section:
    The default user who has logged on to the application.
    Related Business Type
    The type of related business.
    Related Business Name
    The name of the related business type.
    The category of a task.
    The name of the task.
    A description for the task.
    Task Date
    The date on which the task must be completed.
    The priority level of the task.
    The status of the task.
  3. Click Save.
    Note: You can also use these options:
    • Save and Add Task: Save the existing task and add a new task.
    • Save and Log Activity: Save the task and log an activity for the related business name of the task.
    • Save and Add Appointment: Save the task and add an appointment for the related business name of the task.