Function List

The Function List page displays a list of functions that are created. You can also view and modify the details of a function.

You can access this page by clicking the ellipses icon on the Events calendar page and selecting the View Function List option.
Note: The data displayed on this page is based on the values specified in the Folder and List View fields.
You can use this page to:
  • Manage a folder, using the Manage Folder option.
    Note: This option is enabled only when a folder (except for Show All) is selected.
  • Create a new folder, using the New Folder option.
  • Manage the list view, using the Manage View option.
    • This option is enabled only when a view (except for Default Functions View) is selected.
    • The Default Functions View is displayed when Show All is selected in the Folder field or if no view is added to a folder.
  • Create a new list view, using the New View option.
  • Create a copy of an existing list view, using the Copy View option.
  • Create a new function, using the New option.
  • Copy the details of a function, using the Copy option.
  • Modify the details of a function, using the Edit option.
  • View the details of a function by clicking the function type.
  • Search for a function, using the List View Search field.