
The Reservation page displays information related to a specific reservation. You can use this page to view and modify the reservation details.

The Reservation page comprises of sections such as Reservation Details, Requests, and Party Mix.

You can also use this page to:

  • Modify a reservation, using the Edit Reservation option.
  • Copy a reservation, using the Copy Reservation option.
  • Copy a reservation to multiple dates, using the Multi Copy Reservation option.
  • Move a reservation to a different date or time, using the Move Reservation option.
  • Modify the number of guests for a reservation, using the Override Party Size option.
  • Modify the time required to disassemble assets used for the reservation, using the Override Teardown Minutes option.
  • Remove assets from a reservation to assign to another reservation, using the Force Unseat option.
    Note: You can remove assets, minimum a day prior to the reservation.
  • Cancel a reservation, using the Cancel Reservation option.
  • Mark a booking as No Show, using the No Show Reservation option.