Adding or modifying an ingredient

  1. Select Settings > Event Services > Manage Ingredients. The Ingredients page is displayed.
  2. Select a division and a site to which a name of the ingredient must be added.
    Note: If you select the Master List site to add an ingredient, the ingredient is added to all the sites.
  3. Click New. The Edit Ingredient page is displayed.
    Note: You can modify an existing ingredient, using the Edit option corresponding to the name of the ingredient.
  4. Specify this information in the Ingredient Details section:
    The name of the ingredient.
    Ingredient Number
    The number for the ingredient.
    The category of the ingredient.
    Note: If the ingredient does not have a category, you can set the value to None.
    Measurement Type
    The type of measurement.
    Purchase Cost
    The cost of purchasing the ingredient.
    Purchase Quantity
    The quantity of ingredient that is purchased.
    Purchase Unit of Measure
    The weight of the ingredient that is purchased.
    Apply Cost Changes to Function Menus
    Select this check box to make the purchase cost changes applicable for the ingredient within service items of the booked events.
  5. Click Save.