Modifying an account

  1. Select Settings > Users > Edit My Account. The Edit User page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the User Details section:
    A unique name of the user.
    First Name
    The first name of the user.
    Last Name
    The last name of the user.
    The initial letters of the first and last name.
    Note: If not specified, the application automatically sets initials based on the first and last name as specified.
    Default Email Address
    The default email address of the user.
    Automatically BCC
    Select this check box to automatically add the email address to the BCC field when sending an email.
    The phone number of the user.
    Mobile Phone
    The mobile number of the user.
    The fax number of the user.
    The title used for the user.
    The department in which the user works.
    Time Zone
    The time zone where the user resides.
    Include Signature in New Emails
    Select this check box to include the signature in new blank emails.
  3. Add a signature to the Email Signature section in the HTML or Text format.
  4. Click Save. The Message page is displayed.
  5. Click Done.