Creating a report

  1. Select Reports. The Reports page is displayed.
  2. Click New Report. The Reports New page is displayed.
  3. Select a type of report.
  4. Click Create Report. The Reports Edit Report: (The type of report) page is displayed.
  5. Specify a name and description for the report, and select a folder and owner of the report in the Report Properties section.
  6. Select a timeline for the generation of the report, in the Report Options section.
    • If the selected report type is Event Calendar, a list of check boxes is displayed in this section. The Show Restricted Event Data check box can be selected only by users with Manage Own Restricted Events or Manage All Restricted Events right.
    • If the Display Weeks Starting on Monday check box is selected, the week starts from Monday instead of Sunday.
  7. Select and drag the Available options to the Selected Columns in the Select Report Column section.
  8. Add desired Groupings to the report in the Add/Edit Groupings section.
  9. Add desired Sorts to the report in the Add/Edit Sorts section.
  10. Select any needed Calculations in the Add/Edit Calculations section.
  11. Set the filters in the Add/Edit Filter section to determine the data displayed in the report.
  12. Click Save.
    Note: You can delete the report using the Delete option which is displayed only after you save the report.
  13. Click Done.

    The options on this page can be used to:

    • Preview the report by clicking the Preview Report option.
    • Download the report by clicking the Download Printable View option.
    • Export the report, using the Export option.
    • Save the same report with different name by specifying another name for the report by clicking the Save As option.
      Note: If a different name is not specified, the word “copy” is automatically added at the end of the existing name of the report.
    • View the charts associated with the report by clicking the View Charts option.