Modifying standard event custom field details

  1. Select Settings > Events > Manage Event Custom Fields. The Manage Event Custom Fields page is displayed.
  2. Click Edit in the Actions section corresponding to Definition of the event custom field that you require to modify. The Edit Custom Field page is displayed.
  3. Modify the details in the Edit Custom Field section:
    The name of the custom field.
    Note: You cannot modify the Field Type field.
    Select this check box to include the custom field mandatorily in the page layout..
    Required For All
    Select this checkbox to mandate the use of custom field for all divisions.
    Note: The custom field is made mandatory for all divisions, only if the custom field is added to the page layout of that division.
    Required For Divisions
    The division(s) for which the custom field is required.
    Note: This field is displayed, only if the Required For All checkbox is cleared.
    Required In Portals
    Select this check box to mandate the use of the custom field in the portals for all divisions.
    Required In Portals For Divisions
    The division(s) for which the custom field is required in portals.
    Note: This field is displayed, only if the Required In Portals checkbox is cleared.
  4. Modify the Division, Site, and Label as required in the Edit Custom Label For Self-Service Portal section.
  5. Click Save.