Creating a New Scheduled Report Job

Use the Scheduled Report Job page to define a schedule for the reports related to the jobs.

  1. Select Report > View Scheduled Report Jobs > New Scheduled Report Job.
  2. Specify this information on the Report Job Details section:
    Name of the scheduled job report.
    Scheduled Start Time
    The time at which the report is scheduled to be generated.
    The user who creates the scheduled job reports.
    Run Daily
    Select this checkbox to run the scheduled job report on a daily basis.
    Run Weekly
    Select this checkbox to run the scheduled job report on a weekly basis.
    Run Monthly
    Select this checkbox to run the scheduled job report on a monthly basis.
  3. Select the day of the week when you want the scheduled report.
    Note: The Weekly Details section is displayed only when the Run Weekly checkbox is selected.
  4. Select the day of every month you want the scheduled report based on:
    • Day one of every month.
    • The first Monday of every month.
    • The last day of every month.
    Note: The Monthly Details section is displayed only when the Run Monthly checkbox is selected.
  5. Select the folder in the Select Report section to display the list of reports.
  6. Specify the information in the Report Parameters:
    Report Date Range
    The date range between which the report runs.
    Export Format
    The format in which the report is generated such as PDF Document, Excel.
  7. Select the Email Report Job Results checkbox and specify in the Email Details Section the recipients to send the result of the scheduled report.
  8. Select the Upload to Google Drive checkbox in the Google Drive section to upload the report to google drive.
  9. Click Save.
    Note: You can cancel the report by clicking the Cancel option.