Events Calendar

The events calendar page allows you to view the upcoming and the past events for you to take business decisions.

The data on the events calendar page is displayed based on the values specified in the Site and Date fields. You can also add information related to the specific site for a specific date.
Note: You can also select more than one site to view the events booked for the specific sites.

To filter the events displayed in the calendar, you can select the Show Master Events check box. You can view events in the calendar based on the value selected in the Event Types field .

To view the option holds in the event calendar, you can select the Show Option Holds check box.

You can select a value in the Location Types field to view the events organized in the specific location.
Note: This field is displayed when you select Day or Multiple Day view.
These are the four types of views for event calendar:
  • Month

    A monthly view of events booked for a selected month.

  • Week

    A weekly view of the events booked for a selected week.

  • Day

    A full day view of events booked for a selected date.

  • Multiple Day
    A multiple day view of events booked for a selected number of days.
    Note: The guest room blocks along with events are displayed in this view.

You can click arrow icon to move forward and backward to view events booked for a selected month, week, date, or multiple dates. To move forward and backward by year, you can click double arrow icon. The details of an event are displayed in a window if you click (information icon)

  • The colour codes in the Event Calendar Legend section indicate the current status of the event in the events calendar. You can set the colour code on the Event Calendar Look and Feel page.
  • You can drag and drop the event to modify the start dates and locations of a function. To change start and end times, you can rest the pointer over the function in the Week or Day view and drag the arrows left or right on either side of the function.
  • When multiple sites are selected in the Site field, a separate calendar for each site is displayed in the events calendar page.
You can use this page to:
  • Create a new event using the New Event option.
  • Create a new master event using the New Master Event option.
  • View the pending leads using the View Leads Pending option.
  • Check the availability of a location for a function using the Check Availability option.
  • Check the availability of any package related to the site using the Check Package Availability option.