Processing Inquiry

  1. Select Events. The Events Calendar page is displayed.
  2. Double click the required event from the Events Calendar. The Event page is displayed.
  3. Select Process Inquiry in the Event Lifecycle section. The Process Event Lifecycle Actions: Inquiry page is displayed.
  4. Modify the details in Confirm Tasks section. This is not mandatory.
  5. Select an email template in the Send Email section.
  6. Select a document to generate and attach in the Send Email Section. Possible values:
    Document Type
    The type of document that you require to send to the recipient such as Proposal, Agreement and Cancelled.
    Note: You can use filter to narrow down document list
    File Format
    The format in which the document is to be generated such as a Word document or a PDF document.
    Note: You can use this to change the file format.
  7. Select to filter by Functions or override document defaults. This is not mandatory.
  8. Click Process Inquiry.
  9. Click Send Email.