- Field Type
- The type of the field.
Note: Additional options are
displayed based on the value selected in this
- Lable
- The name of the custom field.
- Locked
- Select this check box to lock the custom field in the page
- Required For All
- Select this check box to mandate the use of custom field for all divisions.
Note: The custom field is made mandatory for all divisions, only if
the custom field is added to the page layout of that
- Required For Divisions
- The division(s) for which the custom field is
Note: This field is displayed when the Required For All check box
is cleared.
- Required In Portals
- Select this check box to mandate the use of the custom
field in the portals for all divisions.
- Required In Portals For Divisions
- The division(s) for which the custom field is required in
Note: This field is displayed when the Required In Portals check
box is cleared.
- Searchable
- Select this check box to ensure that the value of the
custom field can be searched.
Note: This check box is displayed only
when the value in the Field
Type field is set to Auto Number, Text, or Text
- Write Once
- Select this check box to permanently save the value when
specified for the first time.
Note: This check box is displayed only
when the value in the Field Type field is set to Currency, Date,
Decimal Number, Whole Number, Pick List, Related Pick List,
Multi Pick List, Text, Text Area, Time, or
- Help Text
- A description for the custom field.