Editing preferences

  1. Select Settings > User > Manage User.
  2. Click Edit Preferences. The User Preferences screen is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    The background theme of the application.
    Date Format
    The format in which the date is displayed.
    Time Format
    The format in which the time is displayed.
    Show Event Calendar Color By
    The colors in the calendar are displayed for event status or event type.
    Event Calendar Start Day of Week
    The start day of the week which to be displayed in the calendar.
    Event Calendar Start Time of Day
    The time of the day after which an event can be created.
    Event Calendar Hourly Increments
    The specific time interval between two events.
  4. Select the required check boxes on the User Preferences section to enable the features in the application.
  5. Select the required check boxes on the Notification section to receive alerts on Comment, Payment Document and Email.
  6. Select the entries to be displayed on the navigation bar of the application from the Available Navigation Bar Entries and click the arrow icon.
  7. Click Save.