Creating cycle periods
To create a cycle period manually:
- Select Process > Cycle Periods. A list of current cycle period is displayed.
- Click New.
Specify this information:
- Cycle
- The cycle definition for which the cycle period is created.
- Period
- The period and the corresponding date-range based on the
calendar for the specified
cycle.Note: Default to the corresponding cycle Next Period. If no default is defined, the user must select the cycle period dates to commence.
- Period Label
- The user-defined period label for the cycle period.
- Previous Cycle Period
- The cycle period created prior to this cycle period. The values are copied from the previous cycle period using the CopyLastPeriodMeasure macro command.
Note:- By default, the latest valid cycle period is displayed. However, you can select a different valid period.
- A status of a valid cycle period is Running or Completed.
Click Create. A new cycle period is added to the cycle period list on
successful validation and the status is set to Pending. The validation status is
successful if these criteria are met:
- The Cycle and Period Label combination are unique.
- The Cycle and Period combination are unique unless there is an existing cycle period with matching Cycle and Period with the status Aborted..
- The value of Period Label value is limited to 20 characters.
Note: The validation checks are performed against the setup checker status to ensure that configuration data status is not Incomplete. The configuration data with Incomplete status can prevent the creation of a cycle period.On successful setup check, the creation process of the cycle period includes:- Creation of the cycle period structure and setting of the period Start and End dates.
- Versioning of the configuration data, specific to the cycle period and process for the duration of the cycle period. Modification to the configuration data, if any, is not applicable till the next cycle period is created.
- Creation of corresponding calendar events for the cycle process:
- The start, alert and due dates of the process events are determined from the cycle process definition and the cycle period dates.
- Events with a start date after the first date of the cycle period is created in based on the actual date after the start date. However, the associated workflow definition is started after the first date.
- These variables must be initialized when starting a workflow
definition for a cycle process event:
- Cycle: The name of the cycle
- Cycle Period: The period label of the cycle period.
- Cycle Period Start Date: The start date of the Cycle Period.
- Cycle Period End Date: The end date of the Cycle Period.
- Process Event Start Date: The start date for the cycle process event.
- Process Event Due Date: The due date for the cycle process event.
- Process Event Alert Date: The date the user must be alerted for this cycle process event. The number of days, as defined by the user, prior to the due date.