Loading configuration settings

Loading templates allows new configuration data to be added and existing configuration to be updated, if required, using an XML template file.

Templates containing partial data are validated using a combination of the template and existing SCP configuration.

Templates containing data which already exists in the SCP configuration are overwritten (exception elements are excluded).

Exception elements are based on the defined entities and the entity properties:

  • Display Names for certain entities can be optionally overwritten using the Reset Display Names option.
  • The Default and Override values of the Application Variables are updated based on the template and the population of the existing fields in SCP:
    • If Default Value and Override Value are populated with the template, both values are updated in SCP.
    • When only Default Value is populated in the template:
      • If only Default Value is populated with SCP and is different to that in the template, the current Default Value is copied to the Override Value. The Default Value is updated with the template value.
      • If Default Value and Override Value are populated in SCP, only the Default Value is updated with the template value.

To load configuration settings:

  1. Select Configuration > Maintenance > Load Template.
  2. Specify this information in the Load Template page:
    Select a Template to Import
    The XML file that can be used for configuration settings. Use the File icon to browse and select the required file.
    • The template can be a single XML file or zip file containing XML files.
    • The zip file can include the content.properties file which has the major version and build number information.
    • The import process automatically detects the file type being imported.
    • When the zip template is loaded with the content.properties file, the major version, build number and the zip name from the load template audit log message are added to the Audit log.
    Reset Display Names
    Update the display name with the values in the loaded template. If this option is set to On, the values of these entities are updated:
    Template Entity Template Element
    Measure Display Name
    Standard Worksheet Display Name
    Layout Worksheet Display Name
    Note: By default, this value is set to Off.
    Content Language
    The language in which the file display name can be translated.
    • By default, the value is set to the user's default language if defined in the user settings. Else, the value is set to ‘English’.
    • If the English display name does not exist for a record in the template, the name of the record is displayed as display name.
    • Only one content language is supported for the configuration entities.
    • When translation is not available, the English display name is used.
    • If you reload the existing records with a different content language, the existing display name of all the appropriate records are replaced with the selected language.
    • You must ensure that the Reset Display Names option is set to ON to reload with a different language.
  3. Click Submit. The selected file is loaded to the current SCP instance after successful validation of the file content.
    Note: When you submit a template with invalid file or file with minor configuration issues, appropriate warning message is displayed.