Forecast Consumption
Forecast Consumption is a new module which works with the Planning Engines functionality
The Planning Engine matches the incoming sales orders to the forecast. The purpose of consuming your forecast is to reduce the forecast based on already received customer orders. The model determines remaining forecast based on shipped orders, orders, and forecast, published to SCV.
The forecast consumption calculation can be done at a grouped level or for individual demand points (base level).
The calculated remaining forecast can be imported into the Supply Chain Optimization (SCO) model in case the simple forecast consumption rules thatare not sufficient.
The steps to run the Forecast Consumption process:
- Create the Planning Engine data model:
- Standard Forecast Consumption configuration assumes calculating remaining forecasts for the first aggregate level in the Location Hierarchy.
- The hierarchies used typically match the setup for the Demand Planning cycle.
- Validate the Application Variables for Forecast Consumption.
- A single automated process for creation, import and solve.
- Run the master macro: FC System Macro to create a Planning Engine Instance. (Process > Planning Engines: Execute Macro).
- This uses application variable values to create a new Forecast Consumption plan, import master data and transaction data, and run an initial Solve in one process.
- Or, run the steps separately for greater control:
- Create an instance of a Planning Engine using the Forecast Consumption engine
- Manually (Process > Planning Engines: New)
- Macro: SCV - FC Create New Planning Engine (Process > Planning Engines: Execute Macro)
- Then, from within the context of the PE instance. (e.g., Forecast Consumption > Current > Details: Execute Macro).
- Import Master Data
- Import Transactional Data
- Solve
- Create an instance of a Planning Engine using the Forecast Consumption engine
- Publish the Forecast Consumption result: "Remaining Forecast" to SCV using one of the
publish macros:
- SCV - FC Publish Plan. Uses application variable values to define the Planning Engine to publish.
- SCV - FC Publish Plan Current Engine. Publishes the current planning engine when executed from within the context of a PE a instance.
This is a new module which has no impact on existing processes until activated. The standard forecast consumption Planning Engine definition and supporting configuration is delivered as a template and enabled after loading the base template ( and Forecast consumption template ( for this release.
These configuration entity types are delivered as part of forecast consumption template:
- Planning Engine Definition
- Application Variables. Named with ‘fcst_consump’
- Grouped by category: ‘Forecast Consumption’
- Data Source: type = File
- Interface Services: type = Database
- Macros: type = System.
- Plan sheets - standard and multi-panel
- Tags
Most records use the abbreviation "FC" in the name unless otherwise noted.