July 2021 Production Update
Infor SCP
Improvements to editable SCV datasheets
Improvements to editable SCV datasheets
There are several improvements to editable SCV datasheets.
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July 2021 Production Update
Infor SCP
Extensibility: Enabled flag on macros
Supports multiple worksheet tabs
RunScenarioMacro() improvement
Override SCV table group definitions
Override SCV data
Multi-Instance SCP
Publish to Data Lake from multi-instance SCP
Application variables support Null value
Profile selections on query based SCV hierarchies
Improvements to editable SCV datasheets
Referenced values in SCV datasheets for user data
Read-only fields in SCV datasheets
Validating data directly from SCV datasheets
Improvements to resource capacity calculations
New incremental inbound flow in SCV
Obsolete datasheet definitions are removed
Demand Planning
Supply Planning
Production Scheduling
Integration updates
Known issues