RunPlanningEngineMacro() macro improvements
Macro command RunPlanningEngineMacro(), allows calls to other macros of type: Planning Engine, from within context of system or Planning Engine. This improves automation of Planning Engine cycle processes, allowing calls from system or other planning engine macros. It also improves extensibility through general standard content. You can automate execution of processes against the current Master PE for a cycle.
An optional ’Cycle’ parameter is added to system type. ’PE Name’ is now optional, but either cycle or planning engine name must be populated. An optional ’skip if not present’ parameter is added to the system and the planning engine type:
- Type = System: RunPlanningEngineMacro([Planning Engine Name], Macro Name, [Cycle], [Skip if not present])
- Type = Panning Engine: RunPlanningEngineMacro(Macro Name, [Skip if not present])
Example: Run the planning engine macro ’SCO Master’ for the Master Planning Engine in the cycle ’SCO’. Skip the macro, if the macro is not found or disabled:
- RunPlanningEngineMacro("","SCO Master","SCO","True")