Planning Engine definition Template migration and validation
The Template Migration process overwrites the existing Planning Engine. If the Planning Engine Definition is specified, a warning message is displayed.
The model details from the AP11 template is loaded to the PE definition screen in the edit mode, allowing the user to review and modify the imported details prior to save the PE definition.
option is added to validate the contents of the current Planning Engine definition. This can be used with the Template Migration or any general edits to the Planning Engine definition. Validation errors in the PE definition are presented to the user in an error dialog.A Status field is added to all Planning Engine definitions. This determines whether the definition has been validated since last modification. Once a Planning Engine definition is validated, the status is set to Ready; otherwise it is with the Invalid status. It is possible to save a PE definition of status Invalid; however, it cannot be used for the creation of a Planning Engine from that definition, until it is validated and has a Status = Ready.