Importing scenario data to log and view errors
You can only import the measures specified on the Import/ Export Measures tab of the Interface Service page. If the measures are not defined, all the measures specified for the scenario of the module are imported.
Note: To log errors and view the discard log during the import of the
scenario data:
- Select Process > Cycle Periods > Cycle Period Details > Scenario Details.
On the
Scenario details page, click
Note: You can import the data to the current scenario only when the Cycle Period Status is Running and Scenario Status is WIP.
In the
Import Scenario Data window, specify this
- Interface Name
- Select an interface service name from the defined interface
Note: Only the interface services for which the Data Entity is set to Scenario Values, and the Interface Direction is set to Import or Import and Export are displayed.
- Data Source Type
- The type of the data source. This value is defaulted based on the selected interface service name.
- Reject All Rows if an Error is Found
- If this check box is selected, the import process is not
executed if an error occurs.
- By default, this check box is cleared.
- If this check
box is cleared, all the rows are processed and discarded. The discard log file
is created which is linked to the related audit log message.
- The discard log file is created in the format, [date]-[user]-[interface service].csv
- The log file includes all the discarded rows with the information related to the error.
- You can download the discard log file using the Log File option in the Audit Log Details page.
- When you import the
scenario data to a cycle period, these validation checks are performed:
- The item defined in the import file is a base-level item in the item hierarchy specified for the selected cycle.
- The location defined in the import file is a base-level location in the location hierarchy specified for the selected cycle and module.
- The period defined in the import file is a base-level period in the calendar hierarchy specified for the selected cycle, and is in the format specified in the interface service (bucket name, period start date, and period end date).
- The periods specified in the interface cycle as period start date or end date must be in the format, yyyy-mm-dd.
- The measure is specified in the Import/ Export Measures tab of the interface service and can be mapped to a valid measure defined for the selected module.
- The calendar level exists in the calendar hierarchy for the specified cycle, and is higher than or equal to the Calendar level used to store the scenario values.
When you execute a scenario macro using the RunInterfaceService macro command for Import, the import file may contain errors. displays this message:
Import [macro] completed with errors. See audit log for details.
- When you import the
scenario data to a cycle period, these validation checks are performed: