CallForecastEngine parameters
The parameters required to call a forecast engine using the CallForecastEngine command:
Parameter name | Description |
Engine Name | The forecast engine that must be called. This determines the type of engine and the default settings. |
Algorithm | The algorithm that must be used in the
forecast generation process. Applicable only for the ATT forecast engine.
Spreading Measure Code | The measure code that must be used as the spreading factor to store the scenario values, when the calculated item or location is not used to store the scenario values. When the value of the spreading measure is null, the default measure specified in the Forecast Engine Settings is used. If not defined, the results are evenly spread to the selected items, locations, and periods, as required. |
Item hierarchy level | The level, of the item hierarchy, at which the forecast engine generates the forecasts (this requires aggregation and interpolation when Cycle.level is not used to store the scenario values). When the value of the item hierarchy level is null, the default level specified in the Forecast Engine settings is used. |
Item hierarchy selection | This parameter is passed (specified) as a node (element or item), for example, "Brand A". Used with the item level to determine the selection criteria. If the selection is null, all the valid item nodes at the specified level are processed. The selection must adhere to the data security rules of the user executing the macro. |
Location hierarchy levell | The level, of the location hierarchy, at which the forecast engine generates the forecast (this requires aggregation and spreading of output in when the base level is not cycle.module location hierarchy). When the value of the item hierarchy level is null, the default level specified in Forecast Engine settings is used. |
Location hierarchy selection | This parameter is passed as a node, for example, "EMEA". Used with the location level to determine the selection criteria. If the selection is null, all the valid location nodes at the specified level are processed. The selection must adhere to the data security rules of the user, executing the macro. |
SMP Measure | The measure code used to determine whether an
item and location combination is an SMP (Slow Moving Part), where the value at
PCONST<>0 and is calculated using the CROSTONS algorithm
(fitModelGivenAlgorithm). If this measure is not defined, the SMP check is not
performed and all the item and location combinations are calculated based on
the specified algorithm.
Note: This parameter is only applicable for the forecast engine
of the type, Holt-Winters and the Best algorithm.
Optimize | The parameter is used to indicate whether all
the parameters must be optimized based on the specified passed date, before
calculating the forecast.
Note: This parameter is only applicable for the forecast engine
of the type, Holt-Winters.