Saving Selection for a Data Context in a Worksheet

You can select the elements in a data context and save the selection for subsequent use.

To save Selection in a worksheet:

  1. Click the data context (Item or Location) field in the worksheet. The corresponding data context window is displayed.
  2. Select the required node from the hierarchy. The Save Selection tab is enabled.
  3. Click the Save Selection tab.
  4. Set the filter or select the elements manually.
  5. Specify the value for the Save as Filtered Selection option. Possible values:
    • On: The element selection grid is disabled. By default, all the attributes that are based on the filter setting, are selected.
    • Off: The user can select the required element(s).
    Note: If a child of an aggregate node is selected, only that child node(s) is saved.
  6. Specify this information:
    A unique name for the Selection.
    Note: The name must be unique per dimension type and owner.
    The description for the Selection.
    The name of the user (s) who can access the Selection.
    The defined role of the user(s) who can access the Selection.
  7. Click Save.
    • In case multiple users share a Selection, each of these users must have access to the top node of the Selection.
    • You can access the Selections from Current Selection tab within the Data Context.
    • • The Save Selection functionality cannot be executed for the Scenario or Period data context fields.