Order Viewer
To view orders, access a worksheet for which report = Order Viewer. The Order Viewer page is displayed. The page has a Details form and the Summary section. The Detail form contains all the details related to the selected order. The Summary section provides a summarized version of the Order. This information is displayed in the Summary section:
- Item@Destination Location
- Source Location
- Need Date
- Delivery/Receipt/End Date
- Quantity
The user can switch between this Summary view and a tabular version of the summary using the Filter Grid option from the toolbar.
These options can be used from the toolbar of the worksheet:
- Commit (includes Commit All and Commit Selected options)
- Save
- Delete (includes Delete All and Delete Selected options)
- Refresh
- Filter Grid / Simple List
- Hide Detail / Show Detail (displayed only for the Filter Grid view)
- Edit Worksheet parameters
- Find out more
- Expand to Fit Pane
Special Filter options allow the user to filter the orders to be displayed in the Order Viewer page. The special filters are in addition to the standard filter that are applied when viewing the orders in the grid view mode, and context driven filtering.
This table list the special filter options displayed at the top of the Order Viewer page:
Field Name | Description |
Planned Orders |
When set to On, all orders related to the Replenishment Engine of the current cycle and are of Planned Orders type, are displayed. By default, this value is set to On. |
Fixed Orders |
When set to On, all orders related to the Replenishment Engine of the current cycle and are of Fixed Orders type, are displayed. By default, this value is set to On. |
Firm Orders |
When set to On, all orders related to the Replenishment Engine of the current cycle and are of Firm Orders type, are displayed. By default, this value is set to On. |
Scheduled Orders |
When set to On, all orders related to the Replenishment Engine of the current cycle and are of Scheduled Orders type, are displayed. By default, this value is set to On. |
Other |
When set to On, all the transactional data of type Transfer or Sum belonging to the current cycle, and which are not related to the Replenishment Engine are displayed. By default, this value is set to On. |
Load Method |
The user can select the values as follows:
Days from Planning Period |
Used when the Load method is any of the Date options. Loads the orders in ascending order of the specified Date Type up to and including the start date of the planning period + Selected Days from Planning Period. |
Total Quantity |
Used when Load method of Type Quantity is selected. Loads orders up to the selected Total Quantity. |
Exceed Quantity |
Used when Load method of Type Quantity is selected. If On loads orders to fulfill the Total Quantity selected. The actual Total Quantity of the retrieved orders may exceed that of the Total Quantity selected. If Off loads orders up to but not exceeding the Total Quantity. The actual Total Quantity of the retrieved orders may therefore be less than that of the Total Quantity selected. |
- All the special filter conditions are minimized by default.
The filter is applied in the following order:
- Filter by Context
- Filter by special filter options
- Grid filtering
The Context filtering is based on the current selected context. The Order records are filtered based on the measure, item, location, and period in the selected cycle period:
- Measure:
- This is applicable only if a measure is passed to the worksheet.
- If the measure is not passed to the worksheet, all orders are displayed.
- If the measure context is associated with a Transactional Data (regardless of whether the measure context is mapped to the cycle replenishment engine), the order data in the current context is displayed.
- Item context: Filters all orders below or at the currently selected item (if base level).
- Location Context:
- If the selected measure is the ‘Source’ measure, all orders with a ‘Source location’ at (if base level) or below the selected location, are displayed.
- If the selected measure is the ‘Destination’ measure, all orders with a ‘Destination location’ at (if base level) or below the selected location are displayed for fixed and planned orders.
- If the selected measure is of transactional data type Sum, all sum transaction with ‘location’ at (if base level) or below the selected location are displayed.
- If a measure is not passed to the worksheet, the order types and location type cannot be determined. Therefore, the result is not filtered based on source or destination location.
- Orders within the selected period:
- If the selected measure is a ‘Destination’ measure within the Order record, the orders for which the Delivery/Receipt/End Date is within the selected period, are displayed.
- If the selected measure is a ‘Source’ measure, the orders for which the Ship/Start Date is within the selected period, are displayed.
- If the selected measure is of transactional data type Sum, all sum transactions for which the Date is within the selected period, are displayed.
- If a measure is not passed to the worksheet, the order cannot be determined. Therefore, the orders for which the ‘Ship/Start Date or Delivery/Receipt/End Date (or the Date of the Sum transaction) is within the selected period, are displayed.
The Special Filter options can be used to filter the orders to be displayed as follows:
- By default, the Planned, Firm, Fixed, and Scheduled options are set to On. This allows to display all orders of each type.
- The Other option (by default, set to On) allows transactional data which are not attributed to the engine, to be displayed. This includes the transactional data types ‘Sum’ and ‘Transfer’.
- By default, the Load Method option is set to Null, which indicates that the displayed orders are not restricted by a cut off quantity or date. The orders are sorted in the ascending order of ‘Delivery/Receipt/End Date’ (‘Date’ for transactional data type Sum) and a secondary sort of Quantity in ascending order.
- When the Load Method filter option is set to ‘Ship/Start Date’ the
orders are sorted in the ascending order of ‘Ship/Start Date’ followed by Quantity
(ascending). The orders which have a Start/Ship Date up to and including Start Date of
Planning Period + Days from Start Planning Period, are displayed.Note: The Sum transactions are excluded as these transactions do not have a corresponding date field.
- When the Load Method filter option is set to ‘Need Date’, the
orders are sorted in the ascending order of ‘Need Date’ followed by Quantity (ascending).
The orders which have a ‘Need Date’ up to and including Start Date of Planning Period + Days
from Start Planning Period, are displayed.Note: The Sum transactions are excluded as these transactions do not have a corresponding date field.
- When the Load Method filter option is set to ‘Delivery/Receipt/End Date’ the orders are sorted in ascending order of ‘Delivery/Receipt/End date (Date for transactional data type Sum) followed by Quantity (ascending). The orders which have a Delivery/Receipt/End Date up to and including Start Date of Planning Period + Days from Start Planning Period, are displayed.
- When the Load Method filter option is set to ‘Quantity’ the orders are sorted in ascending order of "Delivery/Receipt/End date" (Date for transactional data type Sum). The Order quantities are cumulated until the "Total Quantity" value has been reached.
- If Exceed Quantity is Off (by default) then the total quantity of orders loaded cannot exceed the value stipulated.
- If Exceed Quantity is On, then total quantity of orders loaded may exceed the Total Quantity, to ensure that the total quantity of orders loaded is not less than the "Total Quantity" value.
The first row in the order list is selected by default. When a different row is selected, the details are updated based on the new selection. At least one row must be selected.
If the worksheet is part of a multi-panel worksheet and contain panel links to the item, location, periods and measure, the worksheet data is updated when the values are modified in the linked worksheets.