Configuring Planning Engine Definition

  1. Select Configuration > Planning Engines > Planning Engine Definitions. The list of planning engines that are already defined is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information in the Details tab:
    A unique name for the planning engine definition.
    Display Name
    The name to be displayed for the planning engine definition.
    The roles authorized to access the planning engine definition.
    Note: At least one user or role must be assigned to the planning engine definition.
    The tags linked to the planning engine definition.
  4. Specify the classes definition in the Classes tab using Infor Advanced Planning (AP) syntax.
    • The specified definition is validated with full engine definition when you save the planning engine definition.
    • If the specified definition is invalid, this error message is displayed when you save the planning engine:
      Cannot save Planning Engine Definition {0}. Classes has invalid definition.
  5. Click the Optimizations tab. This tab lists the optimizations defined for the planning engine definition.
  6. Add a new Optimization to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Adding planning engine definition optimization.
  7. Click the Workflows tab. This tab lists the workflows defined for the planning engine definition.
  8. Add a new Workflow to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Adding planning engine definition workflow.
  9. Click the Variables tab. This tab lists the variables defined for the planning engine definition.
  10. Add a new Variable to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Adding planning engine definition variable.
  11. Click the Queries tab. This tab lists the queries defined for the planning engine definition.
  12. Add a new Query to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Adding planning engine definition query.
  13. Click Save.
When you load a planning engine definition template (XML or ZIP) and all the mandatory fields are not specified, the loading of template is failed, and a typical error message is displayed:
Cannot save Planning Engine Definition with ‘name’ {0}. ‘Name’ is not specified. 
You must add the missing information and reload the template.
Note: You can also use the Planning Engine Definition page to:
  • Create a duplicate of the existing planning engine definition and modify the parameters as required using the Duplicate option.
  • Delete planning engine definition using the Delete option.