Chart parameters

Embedded worksheets contain a chart component that allows the user to view the generated data in a graphical format. The chart can be included and displayed below the pivot table. The chart can also be used instead of the table or can be hidden.

This table lists the parameters used to control the chart configuration and behavior:
Field Name Default Description
rv_chart_number Chart Type 0 The type of chart displayed below the pivot area:
  • 0 or not defined = No Chart
  • 1 = Column chart (vertical bars)
  • 2 = Line chart
  • 3 = Pie chart
  • 4 = Area chart
  • 5 = Bar chart (horizontal bars)
  • 6 = Map (heat) chart
  • 8 = Funnel chart
  • 9 = Map (co-ordinate) chart
You can override these values for a specific measure, using the chartnumber property in the rv_measure_format parameter.
rv_chart_export_size Chart Export Size 600:400 The size of the chart image, in pixels, when exporting the worksheet to PDF or Excel. The embedded chart is a static image and cannot be edited, after an export. A minimum of two numbers must be specified, in the format. If not specified and the worksheet with chart data is exported, the default value of 600:400 is considered.
rv_chart_rows Chart Rows TRUE Indicates if the chart is based on rows or columns; TRUE= chart is based on data required from the elements used to create the left dimensions (rows), FALSE = chart is based on data required from the elements used to create the top dimensions (columns) . When not defined, Default = TRUE. When charting rows, each combination on the left dimension is a series in the chart, either a separate bar, line, area, or a separate slice, or a stacked section. Each combination of elements on the top dimension creates categories on the X-Axis. When the chart row = FALSE, this is reverted and each combination on the top dimension is a series in the chart, with the elements on the left representing the X-Axis categories.
rv_fit_panel Fit to Panel TRUE Used to determine if the chart must fit the available panel width (=TRUE), or use the default sizing, with the optional scrollbars; to view the axes categories (=FALSE). Not applicable where chart type = 3, 7 or 8 (Pie, Chart, or Gauge). Fit to panel is always true (rv_fit_panel is ignored), when displaying a chart in 3D.
rv_legend_position Legend Position 1 Indicates the position of the chart legend (key) in relation to the chart area.
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Left
  • 2 = Right
  • 3 = Top
  • 4 = Bottom
  • 5 = Data Label (Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 3 (Pie chart) and 8 (Funnel). The data is displayed on the chart and not a legend.
When not defined, Default = 1 (Left).
rv_min_chart_size Minimum Chart Size 0 Indicates the minimum size of the chart area in a panel, when the chart must be drawn. This parameter can be used in multi-panel worksheets to ensure that the chart is not drawn, when the panel size is not sufficient. For example, for the size of 100, the chart is drawn, only if the remaining area after the pivot is 100 pixels or more. If less, the chart is not drawn. Applicable only wherein rv_pivot_hide = FALSE, that is the pivot table is displayed. When not defined, the default value 0 is used.
rv_pivot_hide Hide Pivot FALSE Used to determine if the pivot table area must be hidden (=TRUE) and only the chart area is displayed or if the pivot area must also be displayed (=FALSE). Only applicable if rv_chart_number > 0, otherwise the pivot area is always displayed. When not defined, Default = FALSE.
rv_pivot_size Pivot size None Indicates the size of the pivot table area (in pixels) in the current panel and the remaining area in which the chart is displayed. Applicable if a chart is displayed (rv_chart_number > 0), otherwise the pivot table is not drawn in the panel area. If rv_pivot_size is not defined, the space is allotted equally between the pivot and chart.
rv_stacked_type Stacked type None Indicates if the series on the chart are separate (None), stacked, or a stacked percentage up to 100%.
  • 0 = None
  • 1= Stacked
  • 2 = Percentage
The parameter can be used with the chart type to generate stacked or 100% stacked versions of all the chart types. However, this parameter is ignored if the chart type is a Pie chart. Default = 0 (None); when not defined, a separate series is displayed.
rv_x_label_Type X-Axis Label Type 1 Used to determine the type of X-Axis labels to be displayed for the chart.
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Normal
  • 2 = Grouped
When not defined, Default = 1.
rv_y_label_hide Hide Y-Axis Labels FALSE Used to determine if the Y-Axis labels must be displayed or not on the chart (=TRUE), displayed (=FALSE). When not defined, Default = FALSE.
rv_single_tooltip Display single Tooltip FALSE Used to determine if the tooltips for the charts must be displayed as a single point tooltip or a shared tooltip, for all elements on the axis. When not defined, Default = TRUE

Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 1,2,4,5. For other charts, only single tooltip is displayed.

rv_pie_style Pie chart style 0 Indicates the pie chart style such as standard pie, donut pie chart or semicircle donut pie chart.
  • 0 = standard pie chart
  • 1 = donut pie chart
  • 2 = semicircle donut pie chart
When not defined, Default = 0. Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 3
rv_chart_3d Display chart in 3D FALSE Indicates if the applicable charts must be displayed in 3D.When not defined, Default = FALSE.

Only applicable for rv_chart_number 1, 3, 5.

  • If rv_chart_number = 3 (pie chart), the 3D style is only applicable when the rv_pie_style = 0 or 1. If rv_pie_style = 2, rv_chart_3d is not considered. When displaying the chart, a 3D fit to panel is considered (rv_fit_panel is ignored).
rv_gauge_style Gauge Chart Style 0 Indicates the gauge chart style (Solid Gauge or Angular Gauge). If not defined, 0 = Solid, Gauge 1 = Angular Gauge, and Default = 0 (Solid). Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 7 (gauge).
rv_y_1_min First Y-Axis Minimum Null Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the first y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar) Default = Null (automatic scaling).
rv_y_2_min Second Y-Axis Minimum Null Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the second y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar). Default = null (automatic scaling).
rv_y_percent_min Percentage Y-Axis Minimum Null Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the percentage y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar). Default = null (automatic scaling).


  • By default, the chart is based on the data specified for the rows (left dimensions), which is used to plot (link) the left dimension elements.
    • If more than 1 dimension exists on the left, these dimensions are concatenated (linked in a series) such that, each unique combination is plotted.
  • Each unique combination of the top dimension element is a category (label) on the X-Axis.
  • If rv_chart_rows = FALSE, the chart is 'reversed' and the data on the top dimensions is plotted, using the left dimensions to create the X-Axis categories.
  • Measures with the default format or the rv_measure_format of 0% or 0.00% are plotted on a separate axis:
    • This axis can be scaled to the required percentage values.
    • Values must be plotted as the corresponding % value (that is 75%, not 0.75).
    • In case, some measures are defined with a format of secondaxis = TRUE, the chart also displays a 3rd axis - primary, % format, and the alternate axis.
    • Whether the % format or alternate axis for measures where secondaxis=TRUE is displayed first, depends on which is encountered first ,when iterating through the measures for the worksheets.
  • Area charts are used to draw a series in the average value descending order, so that the largest series is drawn in the background, with smaller series in the foreground. All the other chart types are drawn in the order of the elements in the pivot (specified dimension sort order).