CopyMIEvent macro
The macro copies the Approved and Pending Market Intelligence events from source to destination cycle period. The Pending events (which are not editable) can only be copied if the user is part of the editable share of the source scenario.
The MI events copied include the Market Intelligence Measures, the Market Intelligence Event, and the note created against the MI Event.
Parameter | Description |
Source Cycle | The Cycle from which the MI events are copied. |
Source Cycle period | The Cycle period from which the MI Events are copied. Note: If this
value is not specified, the currently running Cycle period for the specified Cycle
is considered. If there is no Cycle period with Running status, an error message
is displayed.
Source module | The module in the source cycle period containing the source scenario, from
which the MI Events are copied. Note: If this value is Null or not specified, the
destination module is considered.
Source Scenario Name | The Scenario name from which the MI Events are copied. |
Source Measure Code | The measure to be copied. Note: If this
value is not defined, all published,
subscribe and internal Market
Intelligence measures for Source module (Source Scenario) are
Item Hierarchy node | The items selected for copying. Note: If this
value is Null or not specified, all items are considered.
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or is not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Location Hierarchy node | The locations selected for copying. Note: If this
value is Null or not specified, all locations are considered.
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or is not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Period label | The period duration to be copied. This supports the rolling period nodes. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Destination Measure code | The Market Intelligence measure of the destination cycle period. Note: If this
value is not defined, the value of Source measure code is
Reference | The MI Events that are referenced. Only the Events with the reference are
considered. Note: If this value is not specified, all Events are
Use Destination Hierarchy | Indicates, if the hierarchies in the destination cycle period are considered.
Possible values:
Requirement | Parameters |
Copy all valid MI Events with reference "Supplier MI" from Demand-Baseline in the Normal May16 cycle period to the current scenario for all items (in Destination cycle period) at “UK” location (in Destination cycle period) for FY 2016. All Events at and below "UK" Location (in destination) and Items at and below "All Items" (at destination cycle period) and have a start and end date within FY 2016 bucket in destination cycle period are copied. The splashed MI values for the measure are copied. Also, the Notes for the Events are copied. |
CopyMIEvent("Normal","May16,"","Demand-Baseline","","All Items","UK","FY 2016","","Supplier MI","","TRUE") |
Copy all Events created for the MI_1 measure from Finance-Baseline in the Normal May11 cycle period to the current scenario for all items (in Source cycle period) at all locations (in Source cycle period) for the Source cycle periods horizon. All MI_1 Events as well as the splashed MI values for the MI_1 measure are copied. Also, the Notes for the Events are copied. | CopyMIEvent("Normal","May11","","Finance-Baseline","MI_1","","","","","","","FALSE") |
Copy all events created for the MI_1 measure from the Finance-Baseline in the Normal May11 cycle period to the current scenario for all items (in Source cycle period), at all locations (in Source cycle period) for the Source cycle periods horizon to the MI_2 measure. All MI_1 Events as well as the splashed MI values for the MI_1 measure are copied to the MI measure MI_2. Also, the notes for the Events are copied. | CopyMIEvent("Normal","May11","","Finance-Baseline","MI_1","","","","MI_2","","","") |