Viewing SCV Audit Log
This topic describes the process to view the SCV audit log messages. The
Audit Log tracks the events that occur during the Supply Chain Planning process
relating to SCV interactions, allowing the user to monitor and recall events.
to view the SCV Audit log screen. A list of all Audit Log message and click the required Type SCV Job for more details. The information is displayed in these sections:- LH Pane:
- The Job Details and Audit tab
- The task details in the Tasks section
- RH Pane: Detailed information related to a task or a Job selected in the left pane
This information is displayed in the Job Details tab of SCV Job section:
- Job
- Status
- End Status
- Execution Time
- End Time
- Validation Status
The Validation Status value is retrieved from the Validation table. Possible values:
- Success: Indicates that the validation table does not contain failed validation.
- Running/Waiting: Indicates that the validation is still running/waiting.
- Failed: Indicates that the validation is completed with errors.
This information is displayed in the Audit tab:
- Message
- Severity
- Date
- User
- Function
- Code
- Cycle
- Scenario
- Cycle Period
- Module
Note: This tab is only displayed when you access the SCV Audit Log from the
standard Audit Log page.
The Task section lists the tasks associated with the selected Job. You can select a task to display the related information in the Right pane. By default, this information is displayed from the SZ_EXECUTION_TASK_LOG table, in the Task section:
- Task
- Table
- Status
- End Status
- Execution Time
- End Time
Note: Only one Task row can be selected at
a time.
Based on the data selected on the Job Details tab and Task section, the detailed information is displayed in these tabs: