Executing Market Intelligence Interface Service for Export
Market Intelligence (MI) Interface Services are executed using the
RunInterfaceService macro or manually using the option.
MI Events are exported based on the parameters defined in the macro or based on the worksheet context. The parameters or context filter the selection of MI events based on:
- Item Hierarchy Node: The MI Events defined at or below this node are included.
- Location Hierarchy Node: The MI Events defined at or below this node are included.
- Period Label (when the Interface Service is run manually): The MI Events defined at or below this Period Label (in the hierarchy) are considered.
- Period Label, Calendar Type, Horizon level and Number periods (when the Interface Service is run using the macro): Determines the period range that is considered in the Export process. The MI Events within the period range are exported.
For example, if the values for Period Label = Bucket, Period Label = Qrt1, Number periods = 2 and Horizon = null, all the MI events within the range (the start date of Qrt 1 and the end date of Qrt 2) are exported.
The MI Events are exported at period share level. For example, if an Event span is 4 buckets, the export contains in 4 rows (one for each bucket). The fields defined in the Interface Service are exported to the file or database accordingly.
These fields are required for Export:
- ID: The Id of the MI Event which allows the external systems to identify the MI Event.
- Start Date: Determined by the start date of the share bucket for each period.
- End Date: Determined by the end date of the share bucket for each period.
- Value
- Item
- Location
The MI data for the selected Market Intelligence measure is exported.
Note: If all the required fields in the
Interface Service are not mapped, the Export process fails.