Defining data sources

To define a data source:

  1. Select Configuration > Common > Interface Services > Data Sources.
  2. Click New and specify the required data source:
    • Database Data Source
    • File Data Source
    • FTP Data Source
    • AP Data Source
    • Amazon S3 Data Source
    Note: The value specified in the Type field is based on this selection.
  3. Specify this information, if you select Database Data Source:
    The name of the data source.
    Display Name
    The name to be displayed in the application.
    The connection type of the data source used to build the syntax for the database connection URL. Possible values:
    • My SQL
    • ODBC
    • Oracle
    • SQL Server
    • Internal SCV
    • Data Lake
    Host/Server Name
    The host address for this database connection.
    The database instance name used for the data source connection. If the value is Null, the default instance for the selected connection type is used.
    The port number used for the database connection. If not specified, the default port number (1521, Oracle; 1433, SQL) is used.
    The user name for the connections that use this data source.
    The password for the connections that use this data source.
    The value of a command generated at the start of an interface service run (that uses this data source). For example, the command can be used to pass site information to another connection.
    The value of a command generated at the end of an interface service run (that uses this data source).
    Note: These fields are not displayed for the Connection type ‘Internal SCV’ or ‘Data Lake’:
    • Host/Server Name
    • Instance
    • Port
    • User
    • Password
    • Pre-Command
    • Post Command
  4. Specify this information, if you select File Data Source:
    The file name.
    Display Name
    The name that is displayed in the application.
    The directory location for this data source.
  5. Specify this information, if you select FTP Data Source:
    The file name
    Display Name
    The name that is displayed in the application.
    FTP type
    The type of FTP for file transfer. Possible options:
    • FTP
    • FTP over SSL
    • SSH FTP
    • InternalsFTP
      • InternalsFTP is applicable for cloud deployment only.
      • If you set the FTP type to InternalsFTP, the Host, Port, User, Password, Private Key fields are not displayed.
    The host address for this FTP connection.
    The port number used for this FTP connection. If the value is null, the default port number (21) is used.
    The directory location for this data source.
    The user name used for connections using this data source.
    The password used for connections using this data source.
    Private Key
    A unique key used only for FTP type, SSH.
  6. Specify this information, if you select AP Data Source:
    The identifier for the data source.
    Display Name
    The name to be displayed in the application.
    Data File / Data File Name
    The AP data source file. You can click file option to select and click upload to upload the required file. The file name is displayed in the Data File Name field. If a data model has been uploaded, the Delete option is enabled next to the Data File Name, allowing the model to be deleted from the data source. On clicking the Delete option, the user is notified with a message regarding the deletion of the data model upon save.
    Use Optimization Engine
    Indicates if the data file or optimization engine is used as data source. Possible options:
    • On: The optimization engine is used.
    • Off: The data file is used.
    Note: By default, this option is set to Off.
    Optimization Engine
    The Optimization Engine definition of the data source.
    Note: This field is enabled only if Use Optimization Engine is set to On.
  7. Click Verify to validate the connection to the data source, if applicable.
  8. Click Save to save the data source. Else, click Discard.