Creating Application Variable

This topic describes the process to create Application Variable which can be referenced in other configuration entities such as Cycles, Macros and Interface Services. This allows you to use the same data for different business unit/sites.

Application variables are created for each referenced cycle. A new version is created at the start of the next cycle period or by using the Refresh option after Pause/Resume.

To create an application variable:

  1. Select Configuration > Common > Application Variables. The Application Variables page is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    A unique name of the application variable.
    The description of the application variables.
    Default Value
    The default value assigned to the application variable.
    Override Value
    The value that replaces the Default Value.
    The category based on which the application variable is sorted. You can select an existing category or create a new category for sorting.
    Indicates, if the application variable is system defined or user defined. Possible values:
    • On: System defined (Protected)
    • Off: User defined
  4. Click Save. The application variable is saved after successful validation of the specified information.
    Note: You can use this page to:
    • Create a duplicate of the existing application variable and modify the parameters as required, using the Duplicate option.
    • Delete the application variables using the Delete option.