Charting parameters

The charting parameters are specified for an embedded worksheet based on a Pivot Editor report. The table shows the fixed set of parameters that are required to define the chart options for the worksheets.

Field Name Type Applicable chart types Description
rv_chart_number Chart Type Drop-down NA Selected from the No Chart, Area, Bar, Column, Funnel, Gauge, Line, Map (heat), Map (Co-ordinates) Pie list. Indicates the default chart type that must be displayed, below the pivot area. Default = 0 (No Chart) when not defined. The chart selection is an enumeration of the list and defaults the corresponding chart number to rv_chart_number.
rv_chart_export_size Chart Export Size (W:H in pixels) Text box All Specified by the user as two numeric values and contains a 'number:number' edit pattern, that represents the width:height. Indicates the size of the chart image, in pixels, when exporting the worksheet to a PDF or Excel. The embedded chart is a static image and cannot be edited after the chart is exported. The default width is 600:400, if not defined, and a worksheet containing the chart data is exported.
rv_chart_rows Chart Rows Check box All, except Map Used to determine if the chart is based on data extracted from elements that include the left dimensions (rows) = TRUE, or if the chart is based on the data extracted from the elements that include the top dimensions (columns) = FALSE. Default = TRUE when not defined. When charting rows, each combination on the left dimension is a series in the chart, that is either a separate bar, line, area or separate slice or stacked section. Each combination of elements on the top dimension contain the categories on the X-Axis. When chart rows = FALSE, this is reverted and each combination on the top dimension is a series in the chart, and left elements are plotted as the X-Axis categories.
Note: For the chart type Map, the parameter is ignored and data is always mapped against the location dimension.
rv_chart_3d Display Chart in 3D Check box Column, Pie, Bar Used to determine if charts, that are applicable, must be displayed in 3D. Default = FALSE (when not defined). Only applicable when the chart type = 1, 3, 5 (column, pie, bar).

When chart type = 3 (pie), the 3D style is only applicable for rv_pie_style = 0 or 1. If rv_pie_style = 2, rv_chart_3d is ignored. When displaying a chart in 3D, the 'fit to panel' option is used (rv_fit_panel is ignored).

rv_single_tooltip Display Single Tooltip Check box Column, Line, Area, Bar Used to determine if the tooltips for charts must display a single point tooltip or a shared tooltip for all elements on the axis. Default = TRUE (when not defined). Only applicable when the chart_type = 1, 2, 4, 5 (column, line, area, bar). For other charts, only a single tooltip is displayed.
rv_fit_panel Fit to Panel Check box Column, Line, Area, Bar, Map Used to determine if the chart must fit the available panel width (=TRUE), or use the default sizing with optional scrollbars to view all axes categories (=FALSE). Default = TRUE (when not defined). Only applicable when the chart type = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (column, line, area, bar, map). The Fit to panel option is used (parameter value ignored), when a chart is displayed in 3D.
rv_gauge_style Gauge Chart Style Drop-down Gauge Selected from the Angular Gauge and Solid Gauge list. Indicates the gauge chart style. Default = 0 (Solid) when not defined.

Only applicable when the chart type = 7 (gauge).

rv_pivot_hide Hide Pivot Check box All Used to determine if the pivot table area is hidden (=TRUE) and only the chart area or the pivot area is displayed (=FALSE). Only applicable, if the value specified for chart type is (>0). Otherwise, the pivot area is displayed. Default = FALSE (when not defined).

If rv_pivot_hide = FALSE, the slicer area is displayed in the pivot; if rv_pivot_hide = TRUE, the slicer area is displayed in the chart area.

rv_y_label_hide Hide Y-Axis Labels Check box All Used to determine if the Y-Axis labels must be hidden (=TRUE), or displayed (=FALSE) on the chart. Default = FALSE (when not defined).
rv_map_hide_nullareas Hide Zero Locations Check box Map Used to indicate if a location (country, province, and so on must be hidden on the map (TRUE), or always displayed irrespective of the value. Default = FALSE (when not defined).
rv_legend_position Legend Position Drop-down All Selected from the None, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Data Label list. Indicates the position of the chart legend in relation to the chart area. For a Data Label, the data is displayed on the chart rather than a separate legend. Only applicable when chart type = 3, 8 (pie and funnel). Default = 1 (Left) when not defined.

The legend position is an enumeration of the list (in the specified order) and copies the corresponding number to rv_legend_position.

rv_map_type Map Type Drop-down Map Selected from the World map list (Continents, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, South America, and USA). Indicates the type of Map that must be displayed below the pivot area. Default = 0 (World map) or if not defined = Best Fit.

The map type is an enumeration of the list and copies the corresponding map number to rv_map_type.

rv_min_chart_size Minimum Chart Size Text box All Specified by the user as a number >= 0. Indicates the minimum size of the chart area in a panel before the chart is generated. Can be used in multi-panel worksheets, to ensure that the chart is not generated when the panel size is not large enough. For example, the value 100 generates the chart, if the remaining area after the pivot is 100 pixels or more. If less than 100, the chart is not generated. Applicable only where rv_pivot_hide = FALSE, that is, the pivot table is displayed. Defaults to the value 0, if not defined, always attempts to generate the chart in the available space.
rv_pie_style Pie chart style Drop-down Pie Selected by the user from the Standard, Donut, and Semi-circle donut list. Indicates the pie chart style: standard pie, donut pie chart, or semi-circle donut pie chart. Default = 0 (when not defined). Only applicable when the rv_chart_number = 3.

The pie chart style is an enumeration of the list (in the specified order) and copies the corresponding number to rv_pie_style.

rv_pivot_size Pivot Size (pixels) Text box All Specified by the user as a number >= 0. Indicates the size of the pivot table area (in pixels) in the current panel with the remaining area allotted for the chart. Applicable when a chart type is selected (>0), otherwise the pivot table is generated in the entire panel area. If rv_pivot_size is not defined, the space is shared equally between the pivot and chart.
rv_map_show_labels Show Map Data labels Check box Map Used to determine if the location labels are displayed on the map. For example, to display all the country names on the world map. Default = TRUE (when not defined).
rv_map_show_title Show Map title Check box Map Used to determine if the analyzed measure is displayed in the map. When FALSE or undefined, the measure is displayed as the legend title.
rv_stacked_type Stacked Type Drop-down Column, Line, Area, Bar Selected from the None, Stacked, or Percentage list. Indicates if the series on the chart are separate or create stacked or stacked 100% versions of the applicable chart types. Default = 0 (None), displaying separate series (when not defined).

The stacked type is an enumeration of the list (in the specified order) and copies the corresponding number to rv_stacked_type.

rv_x_label_type X-Axis Label Type Drop-down Column, Line, Area, Bar Selected from the None, Normal, or Grouped list. Indicates the type of X-Axis labels that must be displayed for the chart. Default = 1 (Normal) when not defined.

The X-Axis Label type is an enumeration of the list (in the specified order) and copies the corresponding number to rv_x_label_type.

rv_map_continent_attr Continent Attribute Text box Map Specified by the user to indicate the location attribute that determines the continent. This field is required when displaying the world continent map.
rv_map_country_attr Country Attribute Text box Map Specified by the user to indicate the location attribute that determines the country. This is an optional attribute, but is required to display the world map or individual continent maps.
rv_map_province_attr Province Attribute Text box Map Specified by the user to indicate the location attribute to determine the province (that is state, region and so on). This is an optional attribute, required to display an individual country map.
rv_map_latitude Latitude coordinate Text box Map Specified by the user to indicate the latitude coordinate that determines the location of the data on the map. This parameter is required when using rv_chart_type = 9 (Map - Coordinates).
rv_map_longitude Longitude coordinate Text box Map Specified by the user to indicate the longitude coordinate that determines the location of the data on the map. This parameter is required when using rv_chart_type = 9 (Map - Coordinates).
rv_map_crosshairsShow crosshairsMapUsed to determine if cross hairs must be displayed on maps. When FALSE or undefined, cross hairs are not displayed. Default = FALSE. When set to TRUE, cross hairs are displayed on the map. Only valid when rv_chart_type = 6 OR 9.
rv_color_palette Color Palette Color Selector Map (Heat and co-ordinates) The available color options: Azure, Amber, Amethyst, Turquoise, Ruby, Emerald, Graphite, Slate. The parameter value must be in the range of 0 - 7 to represent the corresponding color that must be used.

Default = Azure (0) when not defined. Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 6 or 9.

The color palette is an ordered listing that ranges from Azure = 0 to Slate = 7; the corresponding number is added to the rv_color_palette parameter.

Note: If rv_measure_format is defined, then the rv_color_palette parameter is not considered.
rv_map_show_pie Show Map Pies Check box Map Used to determine if pies or bubbles must be displayed in co-ordinate maps. If set to FALSE or undefined, bubbles are displayed on the maps. If TRUE, pie charts are displayed on the maps. If not defined, default = FALSE.


  • If the parameters contain existing values, these values are decoded and the corresponding values are added to the list.
  • If the values cannot be derived, a warning message is displayed and the default parameter is used.
  • If you save the worksheet updates without a validation, the parameters without values are removed.
  • If the Enabled parameter is set to FALSE, you can enable the parameter and specify new parameter values.


  • You can discard changes and create a duplicate worksheet, to save the current parameters and create updated parameter values; or you can use the template or XML Import or Export functions to verify and correct the existing parameter values.
  • When you select a chart type some parameter values are disabled if the parameter is not applicable for the current chart type. When No Chart (rv_chart_number = 0) is selected, all other parameters are disabled.
  • Parameters without a value (for example, an empty list or text box) are not saved and must be removed from the database. The default parameters are used for the worksheet.