SCV Currency Conversion
Currency Conversion define the tables and the columns that stores the amount values which must be converted, and other information which defines the process to retrieve the correct conversion rate.
The SCV currency conversion transformation program uses the currency exchange rates imported from ERP. Exchange rates in SCV are defined between a source currency and a target currency. Exchange rates are time-phased and each rate has a unique effectivity date. There can be multiple exchange rates for the same source or target currency reason being the exchange rate type is different (For example, budget rates, transactional rates and so on) or different organizational units use differently exchange rates (For example, the rate used by one company can be different from the rate used by another company). Exchange rates are saved in CURRENCY_RATE tables. Different rate types are supported by the currency_rate_type column in this table and the currency_rate_id column is used to differentiate the exchange rates between organizational units.
Currency conversion definitions allow the transformation program to determine a unique exchange rate, when converting amount values. The currency conversions allow users to specify the process to retrieve the correct values for currency rate ID, source currency, target currency, currency rate type and currency rate date so that a unique exchange rate can be determined. The currency conversion details are specified for each table and for an amount column in each table because:
- Different exchange rate may be required for the conversion of each amount value.
- Multiple amount columns may exist in a planning data table.