Compare KPIs

The Compare KPIs screen is displayed only when the Comparison Category field is set to Compare KPIs.

KPIs in the Scenario Comparison screen are calculated as the average value of a calculated property across all periods of the Planning Horizon. This calculated property is saved in the Money class and calculated using other summed properties over all resources.

These are the available KPIs:

  • Load
  • Orders Service Level
  • Service Level
  • Weeks Cover

Each sub-panel displays separate completion bar charts for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. This data is presented on the completion chart:

  • The average value of KPI
  • The minimum Value of the KPI
  • The maximum Value of the KPI
  • The average Difference
  • The average Difference %
  • The average of the Load KPI is calculated for each scenario by excluding periods, where the value of the load property is infinity.
  • The averages of Orders Service Level and Service Level KPIs are calculated for each scenario by excluding periods, where the values of these properties are empty.
  • The average of the Weeks Cover KPI is calculated by excluding periods, where the week cover value is infinity for at least one of the scenarios.

The excluded periods for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 comparisons are displayed at the bottom of the card. A value assessment indicator is indicated by an arrow, which is situated next to Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 labels. This assesses the Scenario 2 values compared to the Scenario 1 values as follows:

  • A red arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a bad impact on the supply plan.
  • A red arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a bad impact on the supply plan.
  • A green arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a good impact on the supply plan.
  • A green arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a good impact on the supply plan.
  • A grey arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a neutral impact on the supply plan.
  • A grey arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a neutral impact on the supply plan.
  • The arrow is not displayed for values where the difference is zero.

You can use these panels on the Compare KPIs screen:

  • Load: To view the average load property for the selected scenarios. The completion chart that represents the Average Load value is colored as follows:
    • Green: Indicates that the average load is less than 90%.
    • Amber: Indicates that the average load is greater or equal to 90% and less than 100.005%.
    • Red: Indicates that the average load is greater or equal to 100.005%.
    • If the value of Load property in one of the Planning Horizon periods is >= 1e+010 (infinity), this message is displayed without displaying the relevant completion-chart:
        Load average could not be calculated because an infinity value (>=1e+010) is detected.

      In this case, Average Difference and Average Difference % are Not Applicable and Max Value must be changed to Max (non-infinity), which displays the maximum non-infinity value among the whole Planning Engine Planning Horizon.

    • If the load value of a given scenario is infinity for all the periods, the Max (non-infinity) is displayed as Not Applicable.
  • Orders Service Level: To view the orders service level property for the selected scenarios. The completion chart that represents the Average Orders Service Level value is colored as follows:
    • Green: Indicates that the average Orders service level is greater than 99.995%.
    • Amber: Indicates that the average Orders service level is greater than 90 and less than or equal to 99.995%.
    • Red: Indicates that the average Orders service level is less than or equal to 90%.
    • If one of the scenarios has empty values for the whole Planning Engine Planning Horizon, this message is displayed without displaying the relevant completion-chart:
      Orders service level average could not be calculated because empty values are detected for the whole planning horizon.

      In this case both Average Difference and Average Difference % are Not Applicable.

    • If both scenarios have empty values for the whole Planning Engine Planning Horizon, this message is displayed:
      Orders service level average could not be calculated for both scenarios because values are empty for the whole planning horizon.
  • Service Level: To view the Service Level property for the selected scenarios. The completion chart that represents the Average Service Level value is colored as follows:
    • Green: Indicates that the average Service level is greater than 99.995%.
    • Amber: Indicates that the average Service level is greater than 90% and less than or equal to 99.995%.
    • Red: Indicates that the average Service Level is less than or equal to 90%.
    • If one of the scenarios has empty values for the whole Planning Engine Planning Horizon, this message is displayed without displaying the relevant completion-chart:
      Service level average could not be calculated because empty values are detected for the whole planning horizon.

      In this case, both Average Difference and Average Difference % are Not Applicable.

    • If both scenarios have empty values for the whole Planning Engine Planning Horizon, this message is displayed:
      Service level average could not be calculated for both scenarios because values are empty for the whole planning horizon.
  • Weeks Cover: To view the Weeks cover property for the selected scenarios.
  • If you click the Scenario 1 Details or Scenario 2 Details option, the 8. Key Value & KPI Review multi-panel plansheet is displayed in a new tab.
  • If the Show Only Values with Differences switch is disabled, all KPIs are displayed regardless of differences.