Compare Cost
The Compare Cost screen is displayed only when the Comparison Category field is set to Compare
Four sub-panels display the values of:
- Revenue
- Profit
- Total Cost
- Total Penalty
Each of these sub-panels displays a comparison between the values of scenario 1 and scenario 2 with the value assessment indicator, and the Difference and the Difference %. You can verify additional values within the 5th sub-panel named Key Values where the following properties are displayed:
- Holding cost
- Dump stock cost
- Purchase cost
- Regular production hrs cost
- Overtime production hrs cost
- Production cost
- Transport cost
- Backorders cost
- Carbon weight penalty
- Excess end total stock su penalty
- Excess stock penalty
- Under safety cost penalty
- Negative stock penalty
- Over capacity penalty
- Lost orders penalty
- Cum lost orders penalty
- Under min sat orders penalty
- Lost forecast penalty
- Cum lost forecast penalty
- Under min sales penalty
- Under min purchase penalty
- Lost backorders penalty
- Over max purchase penalty
- Expedited purchase penalty
- Expedited production penalty
- Expedited shipments penalty
- Excess shipments out tu penalty
- Excess shipments tu penalty
- Excess receipts in tu penalty
- Excess outbound tu penalty
- Excess inbound tu penalty
- Excess in and outbound tu penalty
- Over max planned production group penalty
- Over max planned production penalty
- Solver cost
- You can sort the values within each group by sorting each column in the grid. By default, the properties are sorted by Difference % from highest value to lowest value.
- If you click the 7. Cost Review multi-panel plansheet is displayed in a new tab. or option, the
The value assessment indicator is indicated by an arrow for the sub-panels and can be interpreted as follows:
- A red arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a bad impact on the supply plan.
- A red arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a bad impact on the supply plan.
- A green arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a good impact on the supply plan.
- A green arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a good impact on the supply plan.
- A grey arrow headed up means scenario 2 value has increased compared to scenario 1 value and a higher value has a neutral impact on the supply plan.
- A grey arrow headed down means scenario 2 value has decreased compared to scenario 1 value and a lower value has a neutral impact on the supply plan.
- The arrow is not displayed for values where the difference is zero.