Creating users

To create a user:

  1. Select Configuration > Security > Users. The list of existing Users is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    User Name
    A unique ID of the user.
    • You cannot modify this value after the user is created.
    • The User Name must be valid within the authentication system. For example, a domain user or user in the active directory of IFS.
    Display Name
    The name of the user, as displayed in the application. If a value is not specified, the User Name is used as the display name.
    The language in which the application is displayed for the user.
    The region (or locale) to which the user belongs.

    The e-mail address of the user. The Email is used for receiving notifications from SCP.

    Time Zone

    The time zone of the user.


    The roles for which the user is authorized.

    • At least one role must be assigned to a user to be considered as Active user.
    • Only the Active users are authorized to perform SCP internal processing.
  4. Click Save.
  • You can modify the required user details using the Edit option on the Users detail page.
  • You can delete users using the Delete option on the Users list page. This process prevents the user from accessing SCP. However, the user data is not deleted from the database.
  • In case the credentials of a user who has locked a scenario, are deleted, the user with Administrator role can unlock the scenario.
  • In Multi-Tenant environments, you can add users using the Infor OS Security option. When users are added, roles can be assigned. Roles cannot be added to users from the Security > Users screen.
  • For SCP environments that are running in multiple instances, each instance can be loaded with individual set of roles and are identified by a prefix before the role name. For example, 01.IBP_DPLS_SystemsAdministrator. Here ‘01’ indicates the instance from which the role has originated. The base instances do not contain a prefix.
  • The Language and Locale field settings must match to avoid inconsistencies in data viewing within SCP. For example, when the Language is set to German the Locale must be set to German (Germany). If the Locale and the Language settings do not match, English (United States) is used as default, regardless of whether users are internally or externally managed.