Comparison panel

This panel contains multiple sub-panels, which display the comparison results based on the selected comparison category.
Note: For Key Values, KPIs, Scenarios (planning engines), and Alert names, use the display name when populated. Else, use the name.

You can select these comparison categories:

  • The Comparison Category field is enabled for selection only if both Planning Engine Scenarios are selected beforehand. By default, the value is set to Compare KPIs.
  • If the selected scenarios are similar in terms of data, this message is displayed:
    The selected scenarios are similar. Please turn off 'Show only KPIs with differences' switch to display compared values. 

You can modify the comparison category from Compare KPIs to another category. After selecting a category, the corresponding KPIs and key values are displayed with the related grid and charts.

You can use these options to view more details related to both scenarios:

  • Scenario 1 Details: A new tab is opened displaying the multi-panel Key Value and KPI Review, or Cost Review which corresponds to Scenario 1.
  • Scenario 2 Details: A new tab is opened displaying the multi-panel Key Value and KPI Review or Cost Review which corresponds to Scenario 2.
Note: The Scenario 1 Details and Scenario 2 Details options are situated at the upper right corner of the right-hand side panel.

You can click the Refresh option to update the displayed values.

The calculation in the Key Value and KPI Review, or Cost Review plansheets, aggregates values across resources within all periods of the Planning Horizon.

In the Scenario Comparison screen:

  • A key value represents the summation (total value) of a given property over all resources across all periods of the Planning Horizon. The key values summation over all resources is saved in a property of the Money class.
  • A KPI value represents the average value of a calculated property across all periods of the Planning Horizon. This calculated property is saved in Money class and calculated using other summed properties over all resources.
  • An alert count represents the number of resources of a given class that have at least one alert in the first X periods. X is presented by a variable called Exception Queries Nb Buckets and by default it is equals 8.

The Difference and the Difference percentage (%) for each KPI and key value are calculated as follows:

  • Difference = Scenario 2 - Scenario 1
  • Difference %
    • If Scenario 1 and scenario 2 values are 0, Difference % = 0%
    • Else, Difference % = min(max (ABS (Scenario 1), ABS (Scenario 2)), (ABS (Scenario 1 – Scenario 2)/ max (ABS (Scenario 1), ABS (Scenario 2))) ) x 100