Creating Planning Engine Cycle
- Select Configuration > Planning Engines > Planning Engine Cycles. The list of planning engine cycles that are already defined is displayed.
- Click New.
Specify this information in the Details tab:
- Name
- A unique name of the Planning Engine Cycle.
- Display Name
- The name to be displayed for the Planning Engine Cycle. This describes the Cycle definition.
- Roles
- The roles assigned to planning engines created for this cycle.Note: When creating a new planning engine or when creating the next Planning Engine with the Refresh Planning Engine Definition option selected:
- This value overrides the roles assigned to the planning engine definition when creating new planning engines.
- If this value is not populated, the roles assigned to new planning engines for this cycle are derived from the planning engine definition selected for the planning engine.
Click the Application Variables tab.
This tab displays a list of all global application variables, allowing you to
modify the application variable value used in the cycle definition.
- Any changes to the global application variables are immediately reflected on the Cycle Definition screen.
- You cannot add a new application variable or delete an existing application variable.
- During the next planning engine process, the application variables are derived from the cycle when the Refresh Planning Engine Definition option is selected. Else, the application variables are derived from source planning engine.
Review this information on the Application
Variables tab:
- Name
- The name of the application variable.
- Description
- The description for the application variable.
- Global Value
- The application variable value derived from the global application
variables.Note: The value in this field defaults from the Override Value field on the Application Variables screen, if specified. Else, displays the value from the Default Value field associated with the selected application variable. See, Creating Application Variable.
- Cycle Value
- This value replaces Global Value if specified. If specified, the cycle value is used when creating new planning engines or when creating the Next planning engine and selecting the Refresh Planning Engine Definition option.
Note:- By default, this value is not specified which means Global Value is used in the Planning Engine Cycle.
- You can specify a new value.
- System
- Indicates, whether the Application Variable is defined by system or user.
Click Save. The Planning Engine
Cycle is created on successful validation.
You can use this page to:
- Create a duplicate of the existing Planning Engine Cycle and modify the values as required using the Duplicate option.
- Access the Planning Engine Cycle details page and modify the required values using the Edit option.
- Delete the Planning Engine Cycle using the Delete option. The Planning Engine Cycle is deleted only if the Master or Running planning engine is not associated with the cycle.