Defining data selection rules for SCV data

  1. Select Configuration > SCV > Data Selection Rules. If the user is authorized to view the data selection rules, the list of data selection rules that are already defined is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Data Selection Rule details screen is displayed.
  3. Specify this information on the Details tab:
    A unique name of the data selection rule.
    The description of the data selection rule.
    Target Table
    The table within the SCV from which the data is considered. Possible values are tables of the following type within SCV:
    • Staging
    • Inbox
    • Core
    • Outbox
    Target Column
    The name of the column in the selected table.
    Indicates if the data rule is system generated or is user defined.
    Note: If system generated, no fields are editable except Enabled. Once created, system generated records cannot be deleted.
    Indicates if the data rule is currently enabled or disabled.
    Note: If enabled, the data rule can be included in transformation logic.
  4. Specify this information on the Filter tab:
    Filter Condition
    The condition to filter the data from the specified Target Table. Possible option:
    • AND
    • OR
    The name of the table on which the filter condition is applicable.
    • This value is same as value specified for Target Table in the Details tab.
    • The available table list is based on the table type selected in the Details tab.
    The name of the column of the specified table for which the data to be filtered.
    Comparison Operator
    The operators to be used in creating the filter condition. For example, Equals, Not Equals, Greater Than and so on.
    Filter value
    The value to be used for the filter condition.
    • The value must be specified in single quotes.
    • This field is not used when the value of Comparison Operator is set to IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
  5. Click Preview to display an overview of the specified filter condition in the Preview section.
  6. Click Save.
Note: You can also use this page to:
  • Create a duplicate of the existing data selection rule and modify the parameters as required using the Duplicate option.
  • Delete data selection rule except the standard rules, using the Delete option.