Creating users
Use this page for creating users when users are managed internally.
Where users are managed externally, users must be added in the external system, for example Infor OS Security.
To create a user:
- You can modify the required user details using the Users detail screen, only if you login as an internally managed user (on-premises or single-tenant). option on the
- You can delete users using the Users list page. This process prevents the user from accessing SCP. However, the user data is not deleted from the database. option on the
- In case the credentials of a user who has locked a scenario, are deleted, the user with Administrator role can unlock the scenario.
- You can add users using the Security > Users screen. option only if users are managed externally. When users are added, roles can be assigned. Roles cannot be added to users from the
- For SCP environments that are running in multiple instances, each instance can be loaded with individual set of roles and are identified by a prefix before the role name. For example, 01.IBP_DPLS_SystemsAdministrator. Here ‘01’ indicates the instance from which the role has originated. The base instances do not contain a prefix.
- The Language and Locale field settings must match to avoid inconsistencies in data viewing within SCP. For example, when the Language is set to German the Locale must be set to German (Germany). If the Locale and the Language settings do not match, English (United States) is used as default, regardless of whether users are internally or externally managed.