Calendars overview
A calendar is used to define the time periods, such as years, quarters, weeks, and months, for a cycle. Based on the calendar, plan data can be reported in Infor Supply Chain Planning.
A calendar's available time periods are set by hierarchy levels. The calendar hierarchy levels represent the different time periods, with corresponding levels of time detail, in which plan data can be reported.
In SCP, you can define these types of calendars:
- Monthly calendar: A calendar with months that run from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. You cannot specify weeks in a monthly calendar. Three months make a quarter and four quarters make up a year.
- Weekly calendar: A calendar with months that are either four, five, or six weeks. Quarters are 13 or 14 weeks and years are 52 or 53 weeks.
- Custom calendar: A calendar with user-defined duration for the period. The calendar consists of a hierarchy of period levels that are specified by the user. The period elements determine the length of the period levels.
Note: If, during a cycle period, you modify to
the calendar data that is selected on the Cycles
page, the changes are effective only after the start of the next planning cycle.