Accessing limited availability features

The Limited Availability feature provides specific users to access enhancements that are not yet released. A Limited Availability (LA) access code is sent to users who have been invited to access the features.

Note: You must have the Feature Updates - Limited Availability Features (Configuration) permission to use the Limited Availability Features option.

To access and add the feature to the list:

  1. Select Configuration > Maintenance > Feature Updates. The Feature Updates screen is displayed with a list of available features.
  2. Select Ellipses.
  3. Click Limited Availability Features. The Limited Availability Features screen is displayed.
    Note: This message is displayed in the Limited Availability Features screen: To access limited availability features please contact Infor Support. Adding a Limited Availability Feature, adds the selected feature to the Feature list. To use the feature, you must enable the feature.
  4. Specify Feature ID.
  5. Click Add. The feature is added to the list of features after successful validation.
    Note: A check is carried out when you click OK, to ensure that the unique ID correlates to a valid LA feature. These are the possible error messages displayed during validation:
    • If the ID does not correlate to an LA feature the The feature ID you have entered is not valid error message is displayed.
    • If the feature is already added, the The Limited Availability feature is already activated error message is displayed.
This information is displayed on the Feature Updates screen when you add a feature:
  • Release: The version in which the feature is available for LA.
  • Date Available: The General Availability (GA) date in which the feature is available for LA.
  • Mandatory Activation Release: The release version in which the feature is automatically enabled. This value is set to the GA Release Date + 1 year.
  • You can enable or disable the feature using the Enable or Disable option.
  • You can only disable these feature types:
    • -3 - LA Feature toggle(non-disruptive) reversible
    • -5 - LA Feature toggle(disruptive) reversible
These actions are performed when the LA feature is available for GA:
  • The value in the Release field is set to the GA release.
  • The value in the Date Available field is set to the GA date.
  • The feature cannot be added to the list, using the Limited Availability option.
  • The LA feature type is changed to GA feature type. For example, -3 - LA Feature toggle(non-disruptive) reversible is changed to 3 - Feature toggle(non-disruptive) reversible.
Note: The LA feature type can be changed to a different GA feature type when the feature list is republished.