Filtered Selection
You can specify the required conditions in the Add
Condition and Add Sub condition
options and click to apply the filter
condition to the selected elements. The elements that match the filter condition are displayed
in the Selected panel. If the parent and child elements match the filter
condition, the children are considered in the Selection.
You must specify this information:
- Value
- The applicable value based on the specified filter condition.
- Filter Condition
- The condition based on which the data is filtered. Possible values:
- OR
Note: You can select the option to add a new row based on the selection in the Filter Condition field and select to create a new set of conditions. - Attribute
- The attributes on which the filter is to be applied. This is selected from a list of all attributes included in the Planning Hierarchy.
- Operator
- The operator used for filtering the data. Possible values:
- Contains
- Does Not Contain
- Equal To
- Does not Equal
- Is Null
- Is Not Null
If the Save As Filtered Selection option is enabled, the results returned by the filter cannot be modified. However, if the Save As Filtered Selection option is disabled, you can add or modify the selections.
A hierarchy node must be selected in the Hierarchy context field before applying the filter condition. The Hierarchy Context field value defaults from the specified Data Context hierarchy node. The filter condition is applied to all the child elements of the selected hierarchy context by using the Apply filter option. However, the hierarchy top node is excluded from the filter selection.
- When the filtered selection contains no elements, the selection is still saved as it may be valid in other cycles based on the filter.
- While the selection is being saved, there is a visual indication that the selection is still building and hence not yet available for use.