Advanced search syntax
You can use the advanced search syntax to perform advanced search on the Planning Entities (PE). The search results are displayed based on the product names, property values, attribute values, exceptions, and situations specified in the Search field.
This table lists the standard queries that can be used to search for the PEs using the Search selection field:
Query | Result displayed |
10140 | The PEs containing the term 10140 in properties or index attributes. |
10140 AND (NOT New) | The PEs containing the term 10140 and not the term New in properties or index attributes. |
situations.severity: High | The PEs with High severity situations. |
situations.severity: High AND NOT situations.severity: Medium | The PEs with only High severity situations. |
10140 && situations.severity: High | The PEs containing the term 10140 and with High severity situations. |
PRDLINN: Caribbean | The PEs that are part of the Caribbean product line. |
ABCCLSM: C | The PEs with the ABC Classification Manual (ABCCLSM) property set to C. |
SALPRI: 6.36 | The PEs with sales price 6.36. |
CHNCTRC: hu && 10140 | The PEs with Country code hu and containing the term 10140. |
exceptions: SHORTHISTORY | The PEs with the Short History exception. |
exceptions: NORECENTHISTORY | The PEs with the No Recent History exception. |
exceptions: STEPCHANGE | The PEs with the Step Change exception. |
exceptions: OUTLIER | The PEs with the Outliers exception. |
exceptions: TRACKINGSIGNAL | The PEs with the Tracking Signal exception. |
exceptions: OBSOLESCENCE | The PEs with the Obsolescence exception. |
"Forecast Magnitude Change" | The PEs with the Forecast Magnitude Change situation. |
"Forecast Level Difference" | The PEs with the Forecast Level Difference situation. |
"No Tactical Forecast" | The PEs with the No Tactical Forecast situation. |
"No Strategic Forecast" | The PEs with the No Strategic Forecast situation. |
"Forecast level difference" AND NOT "Forecast Magnitude Change" | The PEs with the Forecast level difference situation, excluding PEs with the Forecast Magnitude Change situation. |
sum_stats.TMHV:(>=7676.00 AND <7677) | The PEs where last 12 Months Net History in Value (TMHV) is between 7676 and 7677. |
Sum_stats.TMFS:>=1000 | The PEs where next 12 Months Net Forecast in Sales Units (TMFS) is >= 1000. |
These set of predefined properties are currently included in the index for a PE:
- ABC Classification Manual (ABCCLSM)
- Base Unit (BUOM)
- Channel (CHNC)
- Channel Country Code (CHNCTRC)
- Channel Country Description (CHNCTRD)
- Channel Country Name (CHNCTRN)
- Channel Description (CHND)
- Channel Region Code (CHNRGNC)
- Channel Region Description (CHNRGND)
- Channel Region Name (CHNRGNN)
- Customer Code (CUSC)
- Forecast Warehouse (FCSWHSC)Note: This predefined property is applicable when Channel = customer or warehouse@customer
- Forecast Warehouse Name (FCSWHSM)
- Item Group Code (ITMGRPC)
- Item Group Description (ITMGRPD)
- Item Group Name (ITMGRPN)
- Item Type Code (ITMTYPC)
- Item Type Description (ITMTYPD)
- Item Type Name (ITMTYPN)
- Product (PRDC)
- Product Description (PRDD)
- Product Group Code (PRDGRPC)
- Product Group Description (PRDGRPD)
- Product Group Name (PRDGRPN)
- Product Line Code (PRDLINC)
- Product Line Description (PRDLIND)
- Product Line Name (PRDLINN)
- Product Name (PRDN)
- Sales Price (SALPRI)
- Status (STAT)
- Volume (VOLM)
- XYZ Classification (XYZCLS)
These set of summary statistic properties are also included in the index for a PE. You can search for summary statistics using the sum_stats.summary stat name: value syntax.
- Last 12 Months Net History in Sales Units (TMHS)
- Last 12 Months Net History in Value (TMHV)
- Next 12 Months Net Forecast in Sales Units (TMFS)
- Next 12 Months Net Forecast in Value (TMFV)
- Strategic Standard Deviation (SDS)
- Tactical Standard Deviation (SDT)
- Strategic Volatility (VLTS)
- Tactical Volatility (VLTD)
These forecast exception terms can be searched for using the exceptions: exception name syntax:
Planning Entities can also include index attributes that are defined during the initialization process. You can search for attributes using the attribute:value syntax.