Integration Status panel
The Integration Status panel is used by an administrator to view the integration
status of the Business Area.
These sections are displayed on the Integration Status
- Demand Forecasting: Indicates when internal processing such as
balancing is being performed.Note: The Calculation tag is highlighted in green during active processing.
- Inbound Activity: Indicates when inbound activity occurs.These tags are displayed in the Inbound Activity section:
- Extract: Highlighted in green when the data import is being processed.
- Transform: Highlighted in green when Channel Product (CP) and Aggregate Planning Entities (APE) are being created.
Note: The Last Received field displays the date and time when the last change is received. This is displayed in the user’s time zone. - Outbound Activity: Indicates when outbound activity such as
publishing and exporting data occurs.These tags are displayed in the Outbound Activity section:
- Publish: Highlighted in green when data is being published from SCP to kafka.
- Export: Highlighted in green when data is being exported from kafka to M3, or SCV.
Note: The Last Published field displays the date and time when the last data is published. This is displayed in the user’s time zone. - Date: Displays the date and time when the Business Area is initialized. This is displayed in the user’s time zone.
Note: You can use the option to view the latest information in the widgets.