Engine tab
The Engine tab displays the forecast level,
Engine, and Engine outputs for the selected Planning Entity (PE) or Aggregate Planning Entity
(APE). You can set the forecast level using
the predefined values in the Forecast Level field.
You can set a forecast engine for the selected forecast level using the Engine field. These forecast engines are defined by default
during SCP initialization for the forecast levels. Possible
- Default Weekly: Used for the Tactical forecast level.
- Default Monthly: Used for the Strategic forecast level.
The forecast engines use the BEST algorithm for calculating forecasts and the output measures are displayed in the engine Outputs column.
- The algorithm utilized by the forecast engine determines the output measures that are displayed in the engine Output section.
- The Outputs column only displays outputs that are not null.
You can enable the PE from the automatic generate forecast processes when using the or option from the System Settings screen. Forecasts are generated using the forecast engine specified as an override for the PEs with overrides.
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