Modifying a situation

  1. Select SCP > Global > Configuration > Situations. The Situations screen is displayed.
  2. Select the required situation. The Situation details screen is displayed in read-only mode.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Modify this information:
    The description of the situation.
    Indicates whether the situation is active.
    • If this switch is enabled, the situation is created when the generation conditions are met.
    • If this switch is disabled, the created situations are not removed from PEs. However, additional situations cannot be created.
  5. Click the required creation rule from the list. The Rule Details screen is displayed.
  6. Modify the required information.
    Note: The situation creation rule fields vary based on the situation Type selected. See, No Forecast rule, Magnitude rule, and Value rule.
  7. Click Save. The creation rule details are saved, and the screen is closed.
  8. Click Save. The situation details are updated.